Portfolio Performance
Given the difficult investment climate, we have been pleased with the performance of our model portfolios over the last year. Each portfolio has outperformed its respective benchmark over the period and, whilst the UK’s FTSE 100 market has fallen by over 2%, all of our portfolios have generated positive real returns. This emphasises the importance of diversification and appropriate asset allocation, given the specific risk profile of a portfolio.
Portfolio Performance over the last 12 months to 31 October 2015 (including dividends reinvested):
[highlight background=”color=”]Cautious: 3.71%
Income: 4.45%
Ethical: 4.92%
Balanced: 6.33%
Growth: 6.02%
Adventurous: 10.25%
FTSE 100: -2.20%
As well as adding value from effective diversification across global markets and asset allocation, we have generated returns by selecting investments which have focused on consumer products and services and avoided natural resources. This has enabled us to significantly outperform the domestic market as the oil and gas sector in particular has been a significant detractor from performance of the FTSE 100.