
You may prefer to hand over full responsibility for us to manage your investments on your behalf on a discretionary basis, or you may prefer for us to provide you with advice, so you can make your own decisions.

We are happy to work with you on either a discretionary or advisory basis, our focus being to build and preserve your wealth over time.

Discretionary Portfolio Management (DFM)

We spend time getting to know you, so we can agree your investment objectives. We then take care of all investment decisions and portfolio management on your behalf in accordance with your wishes.

This means we decide how much to invest, where to invest and when to buy and sell using our expertise based on extensive research.

We actively monitor your portfolio ongoing taking account of your personal circumstances, so you can focus on other aspect of your life and have the peace of mind that your investments are in safe hands.

We manage nine risk-graded model portfolios to target a range of different client objectives. This includes clients who wish to invest in accordance with ethical principles, taking account of environmental considerations, social responsibility and corporate governance.

If you are interested investing based on Ethical/ESG principles (Environmental Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance) click below.

Advisory Investment Service (AIS)

We spend time getting to know you, so we can agree your investment objectives. Unlike our Discretionary Portfolio Management service (LINK) where we manage your investments on your behalf, our Advisory Investment Service is designed for clients who like to retain control of investment decisions, but benefit from our professional investment expertise, research capability and ongoing support.

Portfolio performance

We believe in full transparency and, as a result, we are proud to display the full performance history of all our managed portfolios since inception. Each of our discretionary portfolios aims to outperform the market after costs over rolling periods of 12 months, so each graph below shows both the portfolio performance and the relevant market benchmark. The benchmarking of portfolios allows clients to gauge the degree to which our investment decisions have added value to their investment performance.

Please note, past performance is no guarantee of future returns, your investment and any income may rise or fall and you could get back less than you invested. Nothing seen on this page constitutes investment advice. If you would like independent advice, please contact us. The charts show performance since inception and include fund costs, but exclude fees for custody and advice.

Investment philosophy

Strategic Asset Allocation

We believe that asset allocation is the primary driver of investment returns. Accordingly, we look to combine bonds, equities and alternatives comprised of UK authorised funds in each of our portfolios to maximise returns for given levels of risk.

Our portfolios have the following strategic asset allocation:

Portfolio Cash/Bonds % Equities Alternatives (e.g Property / Infrastructure) %
Cautious 50-85 10-40 5-20
Income 25-65 25-65 5-20
Ethical ESG 25-65 25-65 5-20
Balanced 25-65 25-65 5-20
Growth 5-25 60-90 5-20
World Growth 0-10 85-100 0-10

Tactical Positioning

We overlay our strategic asset allocation with a tactical view on markets, tilting our weightings of each asset class to respond accordingly to market dynamics, typically with a twelve month investment horizon.

With regard to fund selection, we undertake comprehensive research and due diligence in-house, covering all aspects such as risk, performance and costs. We favour actively managed funds to maximise performance, but where appropriate may also include index funds.

Current Positioning

For more details of our views of markets and an explanation of our tactical positioning, please see our Quarterly Investment Commentary.

Ethical /

You may wish for your investments to be made in accordance with certain ethical criteria. Typically, these are divided into three main areas:

  • Environmental sustainability
  • Social responsibility 
  • Corporate governance  

These three areas have become known as ESG investing.  

We undertake extensive research into ethical and ESG qualifying investments, as screened by respected third-parties.  

The ESG market for investments has been expanding rapidly in recent years as investors have focused increasingly on sustainable investment. There has also been increasing research to show that investing in accordance with ESG criteria can actually contribute positively towards investment returns. 

We can tailor an ESG portfolio to meet your needs, whether you are seeking a cautious, balanced or growth portfolio. 


Have a question regarding investments? Our FAQs will hopefully have the answer for you.

With Discretionary management, we manage and continuously monitor your portfolio for you based on your personal situation and requirements. This means we will make changes to your portfolio as market conditions change, so your portfolio always reflects our current views which should benefit performance over time. On the other hand, our Advisory service is designed for investors who wish to remain in control of investment decisions, but regularly seek our advice to discuss their portfolio and whether particular holdings should be bought or sold.

An ISA or Individual Savings Account is a way of saving up to £20,000 each year in cash or investments. ISAs grow free of both income tax and capital gains tax. Income and gains from ISAs do not need to be disclosed on a tax return. However, ISAs are generally not free of inheritance tax on death.

ESG includes investments which are ‘ethical’. Such investments include Environmental sustainability, Social responsibility, and high levels of corporate Governance. Whereas in the past, ethical investments tended to exclude investments in certain sectors of the economy, such as armaments and tobacco, now ESG investments are focused on positive engagement with companies to bring about change.

Yes, you can choose to draw the dividends and interest out of your portfolio. This income will vary from month to month, but it will ensure that no investments are sold to provide you with the income. On the other hand, you can choose to take a fixed income each month (which can be altered at your discretion), in which case it would be made up of both the naturally arising income on the portfolio and capital a required. We would manage the payment of your income for you.

We send you an annual tax pack normally in June/July each year. This tax pack includes a consolidated list of all dividends an interest received by the portfolio over the previous tax year. It also presents a consolidated list of sales in the portfolio, so as to show the position with regard to capital gains. We can also liaise with your accountant at your request to assist with your tax self-assessment.

Yes, we provide you with access to a secure portal to view both an updated valuation and details of any transactions over time.

Yes, we provide you with quarterly valuation statements, either by post of online.



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