Marketing – Thinking outside of the box

In the past, it has been very expensive to produce marketing materials to promote a charity’s activities to the wider public.

Often, charities tend to be prudent about spending money in this way and understandably prefer to focus their resources on the day-to-day running costs of their charity and furthering its’ activities.

However, with the last decade seeing the rise of internet enabled mobile devices and social media available at the touch of a button, it is now much easier to reach potential new donors at a fraction of the cost.
Whilst some charities are using social media, such as Twitter or Facebook to good effect, others would do well to make better use of these free services, which can potentially reach thousands.
Understandably, there are draw backs and you could make the argument that while the use of social media may reach thousands, it may not be solely directed at good quality leads, as perhaps a better targeted, more traditional newspaper advert might be. However, I would strongly argue that due to its low cost nature, the rise of social media can offer very effective marketing opportunities.

Should you wish to find out more about your marketing options, please register for our event on the 24th which will include from Rachel Baker, head of marketing and communications at the St. Monica Trust Bristol giving a talk on innovative digital marketing methods.

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